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Florio's Dictionary -- Dance Entries, 1611

Dance-Relevant Entries from John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, 1611:

Balláre - to dance, to hop, to skip.
Ballaríno - a dancer, or teacher to dance.
Ballatóre - as Ballaríno or Baladóre.
Balleríno - as Ballaríno. Also hee that gives or leades a bride to her husband in Venice.

Bállo - a ball or any kind of daunce.
Ballónchiuólo - a merry skipping dance.

Capreóla - as Caprióla.
Capreoláre - as Caprioláre.
Capreólo - as Capriólo.
Caprióla - a Faune, a Kid, a yongue Hinde, a Roe-do, a Calfe of a Hinde, Also a Capriole or Caper in dauncing. Also a Capriole, a Sault or Goates leape that cunning riders teach their horses. Also the hearbe Doggestooth.
Caprioláre - to caper, or capriole.
Capriólo - as Caprióla, but Masculine.
Corránta - a dance so called.

Dánza - a daunce, a ball.
Danzáre - to daunce.
Danzaríno - a dauncer.
Danzatóre - a dauncer.

Lavólta - towards. Also a course held in sayling or wandring.

Pavóne - a Peacocke.
Pavoneggiánte - fondly gazing or proudly courting of himselfe.
Pavoneggiáre - to gaze fondly, or like a Peacocke proudly to court and wantonize with himselfe.
Pavoneggiatóre - a fond gazer or proud courtier and wantonizer of himselfe.
Pavonéssa - a Peahen.
Pavoníno - a Pea-chicken.

Vólta - a turne, a course about, a turning round or comming about againe. Also a circuite or compasse of ground. Also a revolt. Also the turne that cunning riders teach their horses. Also a chance or hazard at dice. Also a vault, an arch, an arched roofe, a bent or bow. Also a kind of turning french dance called a Vólta. Also once, one time, one course or one turne. Also a certain monster devouring all graines and spoyling all fruits that it can com unto. Also a round walke, agoing round or any encompassing of ground. Also a turning about of a mans body. Also a flight or turning unto route and running away of souldiers. Also a charge, a turne or place to ones lot to doe or speake.
Vólta colcáta - is when a horse doth lean in his turnes.
Vólta radoppiáta - a doubble turne in dancing or riding of horses.
Voltáre - to turne any way, to revolt, as Vólgere. Also to build arch-wise or vault-wise, to enarch embow, it is properly to turne ones face.
Voltáre le spálle - to turne ones shoulders, id est, to shew a faire paire of heeles.
Voltárella - one onely time or turne. Also any kind of little turne.
Voltáre fozzóopra - to turne or overturne topsie-turvy or upside downe.
Voltáto - turned, changed, revolted. Also enarched, embowed, build vault-wise.
Voltátura - a vaulting, an enarching, an embowing. Also a turning.
Volteggiáre - to roave or wander about. Also to tumble or vault on horsebacke.
Volteggiáta - a roaving or wandering about. Also a vaulting on horseback.
Volteggiátore - a roaver or wanderer about. Also a tumbler or vaulter.
Vólto - as Volgiuto. Looke Vólgere. Also vaulted, enarched or embowed. Also a vault in a Cellar or arch of a bridge.
Voltolaménto - a rowling, an overturning, a rumbling, a topsie-turvie.
Voltoláre - to overturne, to rowle, to tumble, to tosse, to rumble or wallow up and downe.
Voltolóne - in rowling, rumbling, or overturning maner, topsie-turvie.

* This is definitely a work in progress, so please email me at if you have found other dance-related entries in the New World of Words, and I'll be delighted to add them.


Copyright © 1999-2015 E. F. Winerock
Updated 10 March, 2015