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Orders enacted for orphans and for their portions...

-- This is an excerpt from John Hooker's Orders enacted for orphans and for their portions within the citie of Excester with sundry other instructions incident to the same. Collected and set foorth by Iohn Vowell alias Hooker gentleman and chamberlaine of the same citie, 1575. I have quoted the text from the online text at Early English Books Online (EEBO). (link to whole text.)

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From page 16

And so fareth it vvith all such as doo or shall deale vvith a greedy couetous man, and a churlish hedgehog, for be a man neuer so prudent poletique and vvel adourned vvith vertues and honestie, let him deale neuer so frendly courteously and liberally, yet if the couetouse man do ones season & take holde of hi~ he vvil as sure as the hedgehog by one meanes or other vnder minde him of his possessions, bereft him of his thrift, and in the end driue him out of his house and home, for he is like vnto the Ivie, vvhose nature is to begin and to take roote first vnder the root of a tree, vvhich at the first being but litle, and the leaues gentle and small: springeth vp vvithout any harme felt therby and girdeth the tree round about, neuer ceassing vntil he co~e vp to the top, & the~ hauing thus entred vnder the root, guirded the body & seased vpon the top, be the tree neuer so great & mightie: the Iuie ouercometh him, & he dieth. And so this couetous Iuie begi~neth as it vvere hu~bly & lovvly, vvith smooth vvoords, & offereth all curtesies, but by litle & litle, he so bevvrappeth the yung gentleman vvith his money, & girdeth him vvith his bo~ds: that in the end he hath the mastery, and the yung gentle man of a tree is become a small stick, to raunge the feeld and to tip daysies beeing novv in his doublet & his hose, redy to trip a pauian in Hamons court, and to daunce a [H] galliard in Tibornes bovver. This is the nature of this churlish Echinus, of this creeping Iuie, and of this pernicius Echineis vvhose delight & only felicitie is set vpon heaping vp of the vvicked ma~mona eue~ to th'uter ruin of so many as shall deale vvith hi~. And stil as a vvicked Echineis is sticki~g to the keel of filthy lucre & gaine. And heerin he hath one other speciall qualitie or propertie of the Echineis: for as Plinie vvriteth, if he be kept in salte, as the Adamant of natrue dravveth Iron vnto it: so vvil it dravve golde out of any vvater be it neuer so deep. Note in marg: Plinius. lib. 9 cap. 25. Ea est enim vis Echenidis asseruati in sale vt aurum quod deciderit in altissimus puteos, admotus extra hat.



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Updated 10 March, 2015